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Short Tender Notice for erection of stalls and tentage during National Agriculture Summit 2024
Notice Inviting e-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/2024-25/08 Dated:- 21-10-2024
Quotation notice for fresh fruits of Harad/Rheed
NOTICE INVITING TENDER e-NIT No: AUJ/DSW/24-25/01 dated:16/10/2024 regarding Running of Café Annapurna in Student Centre, SKUAST-Jammu, Chatha.
Notice Inviting e-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/2024-25/07 dated 14-10-2024
Notice Inviting e-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/2024-25/06 dated 14-10-2024
Specification for establishment of protected cultivation structure under HADP Project No. 17 “Sensor Based Smart Agriculture”.
Notice Inviting e-Tender e-NIT No: AUJ/Dean/FoAE/HADP/F-49(B)/24-25/105-109 Dated:-10-10-2024
Auction notice fordisposal of the Wheat
Quotation invited for standing fruit crops of auction of aonla, Kinnow, citrus species and ber from RRSS, Raya
Quotation notice for procuring the standing fruit crops
Auction notice of Paddy Processing Rejections of Kharif, 2023-24
Notice inviting e-tendering for construction of Hi Tech Green House Plant Protected Structures
Short term auction notice for Rice grains (Paddy)
Short auction notice of Mixed green fodder (Bajra & Chari in approxi 25.0 acres area (200 kanals) grown at Research Farm, Chatha
Notice Inviting e-Tender vide e-NIT No: AU/Estates/2024-25/05 dated::10-07-2024
Notice Inviting e-Tender vide e-NIT No: AU/Estates/2024-25/04 dated::10-07-2024
Notice Inviting Fresh e-Tender vide e-NIT No: AU/Estates/2024-25/03 Dated:-04-07-2024
Tender cancellation notice for the nit no. AU/Estates/2024-25/02 dated 05.06.2024
Short notice for quotations for carrying out uprooting of paddy nursery and transplanting of Basmati 370 seed crop
Short Term Tender Notice for uprooting of paddy seedlings
Notice Invitinge-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/2024-25/02 Dated:-05-06-2024
Notice Invitinge-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/2024-25/01 Dated:-05-06-2024
Auetion Notice for auction of bearing fruit crops namcly Mango, Citrus, Limes and Lemon and Guava
Auction notice for procuring the standing fruit crops
Corrigendum regarding Rate Contract for purchase of chemicals, glassware, plastic ware, culture media, biochemical kits etc.
Short tender notice for carrying out manual uprooting of paddy at KVK Kathua farm
Short term tender notice for for hiring of Combine Harvester and Reaper for harvesting of wheat crop
Auction notice for disposal of the Rice grains (Paddy)
Rate Contract for purchase of chemicals, glassware, plastic ware, culture media, biochemical kits etc.
Short Auction Notice of unserviceable dead stock items lying in Lakshya Hostel, FVSc & AH, R.S. Pura, SKUAST-Jammu has been fixed on 19-04-2024 at 03:30 PItl in the office of Warden Lakshya Hostel, FVSc & AH, R.S. Pura, SKUAST-Jammu.
Auction Notice for auction of bearing litchi fruit crop
Notice inviting e tender for Design, Development and deployment of Human Resource Management & Payroll Management System
Tender Cancellation Notice for construction of Hi-tech polyhouse (2 no.) at RARS, Rajouri and KVK; Poonch under HADP Project entitled “Promotion of niche crops (Pecan nut) in the UT of J & K”.
Requirement for Tentage in reference to office Notice No. AUJ/PC/KVK/F-127/2023-24/914 dated: 07/03/2024
Notice Inviting Re-tender for purchase of Canopy Analyzer
Notice for the supply of during one day exhibition cum technology demonstration mela, 2024
Notice for installation of exhibition stalls and tentage during one day exhibition cum technology demonstration mela, 2024
Notice Inviting Tender vide NIT no. 15 Dated: 11-03-2024
Auction notice of wheat processing rejections of Rabi 2022-23
Notice for the supply of three no’s of FRP pools
Notice Inviting e-tender for purchase of Lab Equipments
Quotation notice for supply of Tablet from reputed firms
Quotation notice for supply of RFID Integrated Readers
e-Tender For Human Resources Management System (HRMS) & Payroll System
Notice Inviting e-Tender for Design, Development and deployment of Human Resource Management and Payroll Management system
Notice Inviting e-Tender e-NIT No: AUJ/Dean/FoAE/HADP(17)/F-49(B)/23-24/76-81 15-02-2024 regarding ESRI India Education Licenses for Five Years
Notice Inviting e-Tender e-NIT No: AUJ/Dean/FoAE/HADP/F-49(B)/23-24/60-64 dated:09-02-2024 regarding Hi-tech green house
Quotation notice for supply of Tablet from reputed firms
Quotations for hiring of vehicle for SKUAST-Jammu
Quotations for hiring of vehicle for SKUAST-Jammu
Notice inviting Online Expression of Interest (EOI) for rate contract for supply of chemicals/glassware/plasticware and other lab wares
Extension notice for quotation of the items((Dual Light trap,Mechanical Aspirator , Insect rearing tent etc.)
Notice inviting e-Tender for construction of Polyhouse under HADP Project entitled "Promotion of niche crops (Pecan nut)
Notice Inviting e-Tender vide e-NIT No: AUJ/Dean/FOHF/23-24/01 dated: 11/01/2024
Notice Inviting e-Tender vide e-NIT No: AUJ/Dean/FOHF/23-24/02 dated: 11/01/2024
Extension notice for Quotation notice for the items((Dual Light trap,Mechanical Aspirator , Insect rearing tent etc.)
Quotation notice for the items((Dual Light trap,Mechanical Aspirator , Insect rearing tent etc.)
Short tender for supply of refreshment in the National Symposium on “Plant Pathology in Human Welfare at SKUAST-J, Main Campus, Chatha during 09-10 January, 2024.
Extension notice to the tender floated Vide advertisement No: AUJ/DR/23-24/F-152/7180 Dated: 22.11.2023 for engaging manpower under Holistic Agriculture Development Plan (HADP)
Notice Inviting Fresh e-Tender vide e-NIT No. : AU/Estates/23-24/14 dated: 05-12-2023
Revised Tender Notice for food & refreshment in Kisan Mela
Re-tender/ extension notice Inviting e-tender for outsourcing of manpower under holistic agriculture development plan for j&k (hadp projects) (National Competitive Bidding)
Short tender notice for live streaming of Rabi Kisan Mela
Tender notice for Shaminana/Tentage (Revised)
Tender Notice for Erection of Stall during Kisan Mela 2023
Short Term Tender Notice for harvesting of paddy
Short Notice Inviting Fresh e-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/23-24/13 Dated: 20-10-2023
Tender notice for supply of Tea with snacks, lunch and tentage items for conductance of mandated activities/programmes.
Notice to bid for procuring the standing fruits crops of aonla and guava at Research Farm of the Division of Fruit Sceince , Main Campus Chatha
Extension notice Auction notice of paddy grains and processing rejections of Kharif 2022 (Auction Kharif 2023)
Notice Inviting Fresh e-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/23-24/12 Dated: 18-10-2023
Quotation notice Beewax melting machine
Short Notice Inviting Fresh e-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/23-24/11 dated: Dated: 12-10-2023
Notice Inviting e-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/23-24/10 Dated: 09-10-2023
Quotation notice to bid for procuring the standing fruit crops
Auction notice of paddy grains and processing rejections of Kharif 2022 (Auction Kharif 2023)
Short term tender notice for supply of food in the events of "Investing in Agro –Technologies for Self- Reliance under Technology Development Programme (TDP-DST)
Notice inviting tender vide e- NIT No. AU/Estates/2023-24/07 Dated: 01-09-2023
Notice Inviting e-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/23-24/09 Dated: 04-09-2023
Notice Invitinge-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/23-24/08 Dated: 04-09-2023
Notice Inviting e-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/23-24/06 dated:21-08-2023
Quotation notice for Comb foundation mill/Bees Wax/ Bees wax press separator
Extension of Quotation for the fabrication of a functional proto type of an Engine Operated Maize Planter
Notice Inviting Fresh e-Tender vide e-NIT No: AU/Estates/23-24/05 Dated: 10-08-2023
Quotation notice for procuring the standing fruit crops in the experimental orchard at RRSS Raya
Short term tender notice on supply and distribution of 1000 numbers of refreshment packets in the main events of G-20, University Connect programme: Engaging Young Minds at SKUAST-J, Main Campus, Chatha on 22 nd August, 2023.
Extension notice for the supply of planting materials (Seed & Tuber) of Kalazeera under NABARD funded project,
Quotation for the fabrication proto type of an Engine Operated Maize Planter
Short Auction Notice of Mixed Green Fodder(Sorghum and Bajra)
Auction notice for Wheat and Barley
Extension notice to the quotation notice invited vide No: AUJINABARD/KZ/23-24/12-15 dated: 09.06.2023 for the supply of planting materials (Seed & Tuber) of Kalazeera under NABARD funded project,
Quotation for the fabrication of a functional prototype of an Engine Operated Paddy Harvester
Notice Inviting e-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/23-24/04 Dated: 03-07-2023
Notice Inviting e-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/23-24/03 Dated: 22-06-2023
Extend of Date for Notice Inviting Sealed Quotation
Quotation notice for the supply of "Planting material of Kalazeera (Seed/Tuber)"
Short Tender Notice for uprooting of paddy seedlings from nursery, washing , carriage and transplanting
Auction notice of standing Fruit crops namely Mango, Citrus ( kinnow, Mosambi, santra, nimbu), and Guavais
Notice Inviting Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/23-24/02 Dated: 25-05-2023
Quotation notice for carrying mannual uprooting of paddy nursery/seedlings
Quotation notice for carrying mannual uprooting of paddy nursery/seedlings
Notice Inviting Fresh e-Tender e-NIT No: AU/Estates/23-24/01 Dated: 16-05-2023
Extension for Short term tender notice for Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner during 2 days Annual Group Meeting of All India Coordinated Research Project
Notice for procuring standing fruit crops viz. Mango and Phalsa
Expression of Interest for refreshment during Bee keeping training programme
Short term tender notice for Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner during 2 days Annual Group Meeting of All India Coordinated Research Project
Auction notice for Standing Litchi crop at ACHR
Short term tender notice for harvesting of Wheat crop (rabi 2022-23)
Notice Inviting Fresh e-Teder e-NIT No: AU/Estates/22-23/16 Dated: 28-03-2023
Notice Inviting Fresh e-Teder e-NIT No: AU/Estates/22-23/17 Dated: 28-03-2023
Rate contract for purchase of chemicals , glassware,plastic ware ,culture media biochemicals kits etc.
Notice Inviting e-tender for purchase of Lab. Equipment
Short Tender notice for laying of overhead OFC circuit for internet
Notice Inviting e-tender for Fish Debone Machine/ Fish Bone Separator
Notice Inviting Fresh e-Teder e-NIT No: AU/Estates/22-23/15 Dated: 03-03-2023
Short Auction Notice of Mixed Green Fodder grown iat Research farm Chatha
Notice Inviting Fresh e-Teder e-NIT No: AU/Estates/22-23/14 Dated: 28-02-2023
Extension notice of Date for Notice Inviting Sealed Quotation for Back Pack Paddy Harvester
Notice for supply of refreshment of participants for multistake holder agriculture-cum- animal clinical camps
Notice for supply of lunch & refreshment of participant for multistake holder awareness programme
Extension notice for short tender notice no. AUJ/DataCentre/22-23/233-235 dated:01-02-2023 regarding laying of overhead OFC circuit for internet
Notice Inviting Sealed Quotation for Back Pack Paddy Harvester
Auction notice of wheat processing rejection of Rabi 2021-22 and grain of kharif 2022.
Notice Inviting e-tender for Fish Debone Machine/Fish Bone Separator
Quotation for Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC
Extension notice for supply of cabinet driers for vegetables and fruits
Short term tender notice - Food items (NCW project)
Short tender notice laying of overhead OFC circuit for internet from NKN lab & Data centre to VC Sectt., SKUAST-J Chatha
Re Tender notice for the sale of one Buffalo (Murrah) under FSR Centre.
Notice Inviting e-Tender vide no. NIT No: AU/Estates/2022-23/13 Dated: 25-01-2023
Quotation notice for supply of cabinet driers for vegetables and fruits
Extension of date of e NIT for Agri Drones as already uploaded vide NIT No AUJ/DE/2022-23/F-159/4884-87 dt 26-12-2022. Date of uploading of tender : upto 23.01.2023 (upto 3:00p.m.) Date of opening of technical Bid: 24-01-2023 (10:00 a.m.)
Notice Inviting e-Tender vide no. NIT No: AU/Estates/2022-23/12 Dated: 19-01-2023
Notice Inviting e-Tender vide no. NIT No: AU/Estates/2022-23/11 Dated: 19-01-2023
Notice Inviting e-Tender vide no. NIT No: AU/Estates/2022-23/10 Dated: 06-01-2023
Short auction notice for Oat fodder grown at Research Farm Chatha
Notice for installation of exhibition stalls during two days workshop
Short term tender notice Lunch/Dinner/High Tea for Geographical Indications (GIs) of North- Western Himalayas workshop
Notice Inviting e-tender for Procurement of Agri-Drones of national repute
Notice Inviting e-Tender vide no. NIT No: AU/Estates/2022-23/09 Dated: 19-12-2022
Short notice inviting sealed quotations for Web Hosting Services and domain name registration
Extension notice for short tender for providing lunch & catering services
Circular regarding Rate Contract for purchase of Books (print ) for the year 2022-23
Notice Inviting tender for purchase feed ingredients
Notice Inviting e-Tender vide e-NIT e-NIT No: AU/Estates/22-23/07 Dated: 01-12-2022
Notice Inviting e-Tender vide e-NIT No: AU/Estates/21-22/08 dated: 01-12-2022
Quotations for serving breakfast, lunch, Dinner and tea etc during 3 days conference scheduled to be held at Main Campus, Chatha w.e.f 21-23, December, 2022.
Auction notice of Standing fruit crops
Notice inviting Online Expression of Interest (EOI) for rate contract for supply of chemicals/glassware/plasticware and other lab wares
Withdrawal of short term tender notice regarding Live streaming/coverage on virtual social platform of five Days’ SKUAST Jammu Kisan Mela (17th -21st Oct, 2022)
Short term tender notice for Harvesting Paddy crop at BRRC Chakroi
Notice regarding bid for procuring the standing druit crop aonla and guava at Research Farm of the Division of Fruit Science
Circular regarding extension of date for recieving of quotations for purchase of momentoes
Memorandum regarding opening of short term tender notice regarding Live streaming/coverage on virtual social platform of five Days’ SKUAST Jammu Kisan Mela (17th -21st Oct, 2022)
Auction notice for standing fruit crops at RRSS in the Experimental orchard at RRSS Raya
Auction notice regarding fresh fruits of harad at Chatha Jammu